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Weez Project HK Time to Change

Time to Talk Day 7 February

7th February is Time to Talk Day, a great time to talk about mental health In Hong Kong, this falls just after Chinese New Year, and being out of the regular routine can give you space to start conversations with friends and family.There’s loads of information and helpful guides on starting conversations on the Time […]

Weez Mind HK Move It Hong Kong Mental Health4

Move It for Mental Health

Boost your physical and mental well-being at the start of 2019 and help raise awareness of mental health issues by joining the Mind HK campaign to Move for Mental Health. Choose how you’re going to be active, make a pledge and log what you do! You may just surprise yourself with how good you feel! […]

Weez Project Hong Kong WAGS Charity Golf Day Nov 2018

WAGS Charity Golf Day

Over 140 golfers teed off for a day of golf on 23 November for the WAGS annual charity event sponsored by St James’s Place, Tony amongst them. We really appreciative the Wednesday Afternoon Golf Society, to give it its full name, extending the causes they recognise to include youth mental health. Thank you for your […]

Operation Santa Claus Supports Coolminds

We’re delighted that Operation Santa Claus is supporting Coolminds, with a grant to the youth mental health initiative led by KELY Support Group and Mind HK, in partnership with The Weez Project.  The Operation Santa Claus launch ceremony was held at the amazing Tai Kwun building, the former prison and police station turned arts centre […]

Children can Talk about Mental Health

The younger brother of one of Jamie’s friends created this skateboard for a school graffiti project. He told his teacher why he chose these images. Developing emotional literacy in children is an important part of their education and we shouldn’t be fearful of talking about mental health, just be careful to do so in words […]