Reflection, Renewal and Hope


Easter means different things to different people.

From the Weez Project in Hong Kong, we’re seeing it as time for reflection,renewal and hope. 

I can’t help but REFLECT on why so many young people continue to be affected by serious emotional issues that impinge on their lives. The Samaritans In Hong Kong estimate that up to one in four young people may experience suicidal thoughts. Others self harm regularly and many live with very challenging cases of depression and anxiety amongst other conditions. Yet, we as a community still seem not to be able to do enough to help prevent this mental anguish and to provide the support, education and care our young people need to manage their mental health well-being. 

There remains much stigma around the issue of mental health, and it’s something most people prefer to avoid talking about, if we’re honest. 

We at the Weez Project are therefore committed to RENEWING our efforts to open up the dialogue about mental health and help ensure that young people are educated about mental health and to better understand why they may be feeling how they are. We want them to be equipped with the knowledge and knowhow to deal with these emotions should something be troubling them.

HOPE is all around. Tomorrow doesn’t need to feel like today. And with hope comes help. 

We actively encourage young people to ask for help when they don’t know how to cope, and that those they turn to listen with compassion and respond without judgement. Knowing that someone cares for their emotional well-being may help open the young person’s eyes to the hope that lies ahead. 

Happy Easter from the Weez Project